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Fashion That Restores

2024-06-09 01:22| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Fashion That Restores Our Relationship With Nature

Fashion retail depends on a long and complex supply chain that requires water, materials, chemicals and energy from its point of origin in agriculture to petrochemical production (for fibre production), manufacturing, logistics and retail. It is widely acknowledged that the global fashion industry is one of the most polluting ones. From chemical dyes, water use and pollution, microplastics, greenhouse gas emissions or textile waste, there are multiple challenges to tackle.

Fashion retailers are increasingly focussing on climate risk in the supply chain and mitigating this through renewable energy purchases, actively reducing supply chain carbon footprints and improving material selection.

Our Commitment

We want to practise responsible product stewardship in the way we source, design, manufacture, sell and dispose of products to minimise environmental impact.

Responsible sourcing considers both social and environmental factors. We partner with Better Cotton to improve cotton farming globally. Better Cotton is sourced via a chain of custody model called mass balance. This means the Better Cotton is not physically traceable to end products, however, Better Cotton Farmers benefit from the demand for Better Cotton in equivalent volumes to those we source. TFG is committed to sourcing 30% of our cotton as "more sustainable cotton" by FY2026 in both TFG Africa and TFG Australia, and 100% of our cotton as "more sustainable cotton" by FY2026 in TFG London. "More sustainable cotton" includes Better Cotton.

We commit to working towards a zero-waste business and value chain, to reduce emissions and increase customer awareness of environmental issues by being transparent and inspiring customers through our brand initiatives. We recognise that we can make a positive difference by increasing our resource efficiency. Although our direct environmental impacts are low, it is still important that we measure and reduce our requirements as much as possible. There are more significant impacts found upstream in our supply chain (cotton growing, colour dyeing, printing and manufacturing) and downstream in customer washing, drying and ultimate disposal of garments.

Current focus areas include improving energy efficiency within our own operations and the establishment of a circular solution pertaining to our textile waste.






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